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Book Coaching

Everyone's creative process is different. And I believe you'll do your best work when you're following yours – not mine.

I can help you manage that process and direct it toward meeting the demands of the industry.

I'll always assess your chapters in ways appropriate to their stage of development. Early-draft chapters don't need to be ready for publication. They just need to capture the energy and substance. But when we're revising, I'll help you ready them for other eyes.

Writing a book will challenge you – sometimes on a deeply personal level. And it won't go the same way for every writer. In fact, if it hasn't gone the way you expected, or if the methods you were taught have not worked for you, then you're like me.


I didn't understand why my writing process seemed so different until I came to understand my autism and ADHD – and began to unlearn my internalized ableism. That journey has given me great compassion for the exceptions to the rule. Writers like you and me.


I'm here to serve the writer you are – not the one you think you should be.

Book Coaching is $500/month. Below, I'll break down what that package includes.

As a member of the dis/ability community, I am also happy to offer an email-based version of this package for those unable to use Zoom.

Intake & Manuscript Review Sessions

When we agree to work together, I'll send you a Dropbox folder for your documents. You'll also answer some questions to help us both understand your book.


At the first meeting, we'll be focused on the big picture – digging deeper into your goals and process. What is your story? What energizes you creatively? Which aspects of your book are most important to you? We'll also discuss potential paths for publication and how your book will fit into the literary marketplace.

Foundations (3 months recommended)

If appropriate, we'll start this phase with my signature note card plotting exercise. We'll develop your narrative structure as well as your characters and setting. I'll also give you specific assignments to ensure that your planning remains of one piece with your book's narrative voice. I also have special resources for science fiction and fantasy writers (having written speculative fiction myself).

I'll also provide project management – helping you discern when to move on to the writing itself.

Industry-Driven Project Management

Throughout the project, I'll help you discern how to follow what energizes you about the project. And I'll do it from the standpoint of a book industry insider.

Completion (6 months recommended)

There's no precise timeline for developing a complete, cohesive manuscript, but I can help you avoid some of the biggest pitfalls. 

I also have a separate, email-based package – Author Coaching Lite – for first-draft writers who have fewer project needs but would still like to ask me questions from time to time.

Revision (6 months recommended)

During Completion, I was helping you nail your book's substance and energy. Now we're going to fine-tune it for audience and agents. 


Pitching, querying, submissions – I help you navigate parts of the endgame that many writers find intimidating. I can also help you develop plans to promote and sell your book. 

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